O ke kahua ma mua, ma hope ke kukulu
The foundation comes first and then the building
Developing a Foundation for Integrated CS

Foundational Documents
The foundational documents explain our shared mission, vision, and plan for developing, implementing, and sustaining integrated computer science instruction. These documents are built off of manaʻo shared in the PNP Broadening Participation in Computing grant that students at Pūʻōhala deserve computer science educational opportunities that are place-based, culturally relevant, and support sustainable practices.
Teacher Guides

The purpose of the teacher guides is to develop a common understanding of how to support students in integrated computer science content at Pūʻōhala. These guides are built off of the K12 CS Framework & computer science standards adopted by the Hawaiʻi DOE
These Integrated Computer Science Educator Guides make up a strong component of the core integrated computer science documents that work to develop a strong foundation. These documents serve as a common reference guide for supporting curriculum and other materials for implementation.
Working Document Under Construction
Integrated Guide
Coming Soon
Integrated GuideComing Soon

Implementation Resources
The implementation resources are instructional units, curriculum, lessons, activities, and additional resources that can be implemented to support students understanding of the content that is outlined within the teacher guides. These resources are materials intended to support integrated computer science instruction and are developed specifically for Pūʻōhala students to feel connected to the content.
Integrated Guide Coming Soon
Working Resource Library Under Construction